
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


As stated, this blog post is going to review things about Korea.

Actually mostly THINGS that are from Korea, I do believe many of the readers knew about GEO LENS  & ETUDE HOUSE.
I am gonna review them today!



A very big thank you to GeoColouredLenses AGAIN on sponsoring 2 pairs of their brand new series for another awesome review!

*p/s : ASIAN ALERT ! Asian Wearing Lenses, Do not Attempt to complain about the  lenses' obviousness because I don't have Blue/Gray/Almond Colored Eyes T_T

Message from GeoColouredLenses : 

Power Range: 0.00~-8.00
Diameter: 15.0mm
Base Curve Radius: 8.60mm
Water Content: 38~42%
1 year disposable

* It is advisable to dispose it within 4 months for regular use or if it starts to cause dryness.
* Please handle with clean hands and soak it with solutions after every usage. 


Starmish Gray is extremely perfect for dolly eyes makeup!
Because its dark enough and the pattern is not extreme! 


It's perfect for smokey eyes or any exotic makeup and looks!
The color is so obvious , it even shows when I snap the picture below in a room light.

Rating for this new series : 5/5

The comfortableness is a big win! Color and pattern is fabulous! And its 1 year disposable with an affordable price! 

for more information on this series of charming lens!

Below is review for ETUDE HOUSE ~ Do check it out!



So my parents went to Korea not long ago and came back with tons of stuff , mostly food for the boys and cosmetic for the girls.

The price are very low! I think its because our imported products have taxes , so we are paying more the ETUDE products here in Malaysia.

[ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Cream BRIGHT FIT]

The following packaging are the old ones, comes in 3 choices.

  • Sheer Silky Skin (oily)
  • Sheer Glowing Skin (dry)
  • Sheer Flawless Skin (all type)

  • But NOW...
    I am introducing the new Precious Mineral BB Cream - Bright Fit

    Precious Minerals Series
    [btw the open pact is Magic BB pact]

    They comes in a very pretty pink packaging , so cute!

    These are the available tone for this series.

    BB stands for blemish balm and designed to be an multipurpose face makeup that provide minerals/vitamin for skins , UV protection and most importantly , Good Coverage!

    Most of the BB creams that I've bought are most likely to be mineral base which is the best choice for your skin.

    Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit (SPF30/++) is an upgraded version of the old Precious Mineral BB Cream (3 choices)
    With better coverage , long lasting , all day properties.

    I won't be posting much photo on the product itself since its an upgraded version and the packaging remains the same. They still work with pumps.

    So this is me with ONLY my eyemake up done!
    So basically this is the looks of the BB Cream. Pretty heh?

    Eyemake Inspired by Michelle's How to look like a K-Pop Star Video! Do check it out because it's awesome!

    Saw the awesome whitening effect?
    How it covers up my blemishes and acne?
    This is why I love ETUDE BB cream for a reason!
    Their BB Cream is not solid but very watery. It makes the application process much easier.

    Close up of my left face with heavy blemish , after applying one coat of bb cream. 
    Awesome? You bet.

    [ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Pact BRIGHT FIT]

    This is a comparison photo on ETUDE Magic BB Pact with ETUDE Precious Mineral BB Pact.

    Packaging is so sweet and simple! I won't complain carrying it with me. 

    Here it is! I had to darken the photo to show the pattern on the pact because its so light in color I can hardly see in both photos or naked eye.

    The Finishing Touch!
    It matte out all imperfections on my skin and brightening it up more! One small touch can make so much differences

    SO what are you waiting?

    Visit MY ETUDE HOUSE FACEBOOK for more information on stores! Visit and grab one now!
    Photos already told you how awesome it is! So don't wait :P


    Hope the information helps everyone!


    1 comment:

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